Travelling Fellowship

The Peel and Rothwell Jackson Postgraduate Travelling Fellowships

The aim of a fellowship may be research, advanced study, or the acquisition of a new clinical skill unlikely to be available in the UK.

Candidates are expected to be planning a career in the UK which will be enhanced by spending up to a year at a centre of international excellence.

  1. Up to two fellowships will be awarded in this round. The trustees reserve the right to make no award if, in their judgement, applications are of insufficient strength.
  2. Candidates should be qualified and registered to practise in medicine, nursing or another health profession.
  3. Fellowships will be for up to a maximum of 12 months’ duration.
  4. Funding awarded will reflect the estimated cost of the fellowship (including travel and support of dependents if relevant). Whole- or part-funding of these costs will be awarded up to a maximum of £30,000 per fellowship. The awarded sum will be final and not subject to increase. Please be aware that 10% of the value of the award is retained pending a written report being received by the Trustees.
  5. In addition, a limited number of Minor travel grants (NOT for attendance at conference) for up to £5000 each are available.
  6. Fellowships must be taken up by a date agreed with the Trust, or any offer will be revoked.
  7. Fellows must submit a report to the Trust within one month of their return and supply copies of any resultant publication. On receipt of a satisfactory report the 10% retention will be paid over.
  8. Applications are considered annually, in November, for travel in the following year.